The Portal Philosophy

My massages are holistic & therapeutic where the aim is to create a restorative connection to body, enabling the person to sense subtle changes, gain awareness and learnings that they can integrate into their day to day life.

I use flame cupping and the healing and therapeutic Illi-Illi hot stones in my treatments.



Prenatal Massage

Massage during pregnancy can be one of the most powerful healing modalities to receive. As the body changes week by week, massage therapy helps to bring awareness to the body’s posture as the physical demand of pregnancy increases. Massage therapy supports the lymphatic system with fluid retention, relaxation of the muscles and ligaments, back & joint discomfort, pubis symphisis and sacroiliac join laxity and more.

Massage supports the inner connection with baby, gently embracing and integrating all aspects of pregnancy in life. I provide specialised belly cushions to lay on during the massage and when appropriate I include rebozo techniques to help baby’s position in the pelvis.

Reservoir Based Practice

1 hr $ 125 Concession $115
1.5 hs $165 Concession $155

Rebates available
Home visits available, express your interest here

Induction Massage

An induction massage (preparation for labour ) can start from week 38 onwards (when babies are fully grown). It is a deep tissue massage with the inclusion of labour pressure points based on traditional chinese medicine. This assists the stimulation and blood flow of the uterus, preparing it for peak performance and also relaxes muscles and ligaments in the pelvis. I also use OMP (Optimal Maternal Positioning) and Spinning Babies techniques to assist in this process. There are many things that a pregnant person can do to assist themselves with the spontaneous onset of labour. I will guide you and provide with exercises/positions to take home to assist in your conexion to body and baby.

This treatment supports mental & emotional wellbeing, making you feel calm & strong as your labour and birth approaches. Ultimately this creates an important place for inner connection with heart, body & mind. Clary sage oil is also used to help the relaxation and stimulation of the body.

Reservoir Based Practice

1.5 hs $165 Concession $155

Rebates available
Home visits available, express your interest here

Postnatal Massage

Massage in the postnatal period or Fourth Trimester, supports the body in the recovery from birth. It relieves the body of aches and improves blood flow in the soft tissue, draining stagnated residues.

Massage helps in the release of hormones (prostaglandin and oxytocin) responsible for the production of milk. It supports bonding with baby and helps with the physical and emotional rollercoaster that is caring for the life of a new born baby.

These are truly crucial times in which new parents need kind and caring support.

Reservoir Based Practice

1 hr $ 125 Concession $115
1.5 hs $165 Concession $155

Rebates available
Home visits available, express your interest here


Remedial Massage is a blend of techniques including deep tissue, MFR (myofascial release) and Trigger Point Therapy.

Remedial treatments include an assessment of the person's areas of discomfort.

My holistic approach is to organically integrate breath and shiatsu principles to gently move deeper into areas of intensity and stagnation. All of these elements bring greater bodily awareness and develop an understanding of how to integrate new healthy habits into your daily life.

Reservoir Based Practice

1 hr $ 125 Concession $115
1.5 hs $165 Concession $155

Rebates available

Kids Massage

Massage therapy offers children a calm space to experience the inner ability that their body has for healing. During these sessions, children will have the space to start the cultivation of body awareness and emotional self-regulation.

Illi-Illi hot stones is a kid’s favourite!

Children with an existing medical condition are welcome. I’ll only need a supporting letter from their doctor.

Kids from 6 years old and older can start their massage session

Reservoir Based Practice

30mins $65 Concession $55
45mins $80 Concession $70
60mins $95 Concession $85

Rebates available

End-Of-Life / Palliative Care Massage 

These sessions are for those special ones who are going through their end-of-life phase and would like to receive comfort through massage and energy healing. Based on the person’s wishes, I can provide  Dr. Vodder’s Lymphatic Drainage Massage (LMD) or oil massage based on these same principles.  These are mobile sessions meaning, I’ll visit the person’s private home, aged care setting or hospital. 

What does the first session look like?

I’ll meet a family member or main carer in the preferred location. They’ll introduce me to the client and we’ll have a conversation about what to expect during the session. The client is able to express their wishes based on the phase they are at and feelings at that particular time. Clients can decide whether to have a family member or loved one with them present during the massage. 


1 hr $185 Concession $175

(travel fee applies over 10 km radius from Reservoir- $2 /km)

Feel free to contact me with any questions or to talk about this special session for your loved one @ 0448497170


Massage Packages can be used for any of my massage therapies and make great gifts

Reservoir Based Practice

3 x 1 hr $354 ($118 per massage)
3 x 1.5 hr $459 ($153 per massage)

5 x 1 hr $575 ($115 per massage)
5 x 1.5 hr $750 ($150 per massage)

10 x 1 hr $1100 ($110 per massage)
10 x 1.5 hr $1450 ($145per massage)


 My Studio

My home-based studio is located in the beautiful and calm lands of the Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung people of the Kulin nations, commonly known as Reservoir.


There is plenty of parking right outside my home studio. There are two small steps before the main door. There is a bathroom available however is small and doesn't have support rails.


Ready to Relax?